Load shedding stages in detail

There is a 50% chance of load shedding for today.

Eskom appeals to customers to switch off non essential appliances as there is a 50% chance that load shedding will be implemented on today.

It said that any unexpected changes on already constrained systems could result in load shedding.

Stage three load shedding was implemented last week throughout the country after emergency maintenance had to be performed on certain power stations.

Eskom explains the stages of load shedding as stage one requires the least amount of load shedding but increases with the different stages.

Stage one load shedding should last for two hours in a two day period and allows 1000 megawatts of the national load to be shed, stage two allows for 2000 mw and stage three 4000 mw.

Stage two load shedding doubles the frequency of stage one, meaning load shedding would take place everyday.

Stage three load shedding is double the frequency of stage two and covers overnight periods resulting in load shedding lasting from midnight to midnight, Monday to Sunday.

The different stages are designed to ensure that load shedding is applied fairly.

Eskom customers can find the load shedding schedule on https://loadshedding.eskom.co.za/ or contact 0860 037 566.


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