
Somalian shop owner denied bail again

Court still to find out if Sheik Yusuf is in the country legally or not.

A Somalian shop owner, Sheik Yusuf made another court appearance this morning in a bid to apply for bail.

Yusuf appeared at the Protea Magistrate Court where he is facing murder charges after he allegedly shot a teenage boy who was among the group who tried to rob his store.

His bail application is still not considered as the court needs to do some further investigations.

The judge said that his bail application will not be processed as yet because they still need to investigate if he is in the country legally or not.

His case has been postponed to February 12 to allow the court for further investigations.

The family of the deceased teenage boy and Yusuf’s “fellow brothers” were not seen in court today.

Yusuf will remain in custody till his next appearance.


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