World Cancer Day

Raising awareness on World Cancer Day.

Every year on February 4, the world raises awareness for World Cancer Day.

It is the day where the world holds campaign to give hope to those living with cancer and remember those who died from the disease.

Each and every year, World Cancer Day focuses on different issues that people can try and change themselves.

In the past, the focus have included giving children a smoke-free environment and encouraging healthy diets and exercises.

This year’s campaign aims at taking a positive and proactive approach to fight against cancer.

The campaign explores how the world can implement what has already been implemented in the areas of prevention, early detection and care.

World Cancer Day is a unique opportunity to raise awareness that there is much that can be done as an individual and at community level to harness and mobilise ways in which the disease can be prevented and defeated.

The 2015 campaign focuses on four factors which are:

· Choosing healthy lives
· Delivering early detection
· Achieving treatment for all
· Maximising quality of life.

The World Cancer Day was first organised by the International Union against Cancer in 2005.

Every year, over 12,7 million people receive cancer diagnosis and 7.6 million die from the disease.


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