Customers left stranded

Foreign shop owners close shop for safety.

All the foreign owned shops are closed in Soweto after a shop owner shot a teenage boy in Doornkop (Snake Park) on Monday.

It is alleged that the boy was among the group trying to rob the store when the incident happened.

Most foreign shop owners feared for their lives as people started attacking them and looting their shops.

In Protea Glen, more than five stores have been broken into where the community was helping themselves with the food sold in the shops.

The shop owners ran away and people are left with no stores to do their shopping.

” We don’t know where we are going to shop because all stores here in Extension 11 are owned by foreingers and that means we have to go the mall to shop which is time consuming,” said Lebogang Buthelezi, a resident in Protea Glen Extension One.

Some law abiding citizens have pleaded with those who are causing trouble to stop interfering and attacking shop owners.


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