Taxi drivers happy about the new fuel prices

More profit for taxi drivers as petrol price drops.

Taxi drivers, whose job requires petrol every day, are happy with the new fuel prices.

The fuel price which dropped on Wednesday morning left many drivers with a smile on their faces.

Joe Thobela, a taxi driver, said that he is happy about the new petrol price because it enables them to do their job properly and at low cost.

“We are very happy about the dropping of fuel prices and we thank the government for being considerate to lower the prices since the demand of oil has dropped,” said Thobela.

The dropping of fuel prices means more profit for drivers since they now spend less on petrol and are able to fill up their cars at lower prices.

Other motorists are also happy with the new fuel prices and see it as a bargain since most are still trying to get back at their feet after festive season.

The new fuel prices stand at R1, 27 per litre for petrol and R1.23 for diesel.

The Soweto Taxi Service Association maintained that commuters will still pay the same price they used to pay regardless of the dropping of fuel prices.


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