Stop illegal dumping

City and residents team up to eradicate illegal dumping sites.

City of Johannesburg health inspector Busi Kunene teamed up with Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo and Johannesburg Metro police Department (JMPD) and embarked on an illegal dumping closure campaign in Chiawelo Ward 11.

The campaign which was supported by handful of residents will see more illegal dumping sites in the area completely eradicated.

“This is my area and I will always try my best to keep it clean.

“There are a lot of illegal dumping sites and to me it shows that residents still need to be educated about the importance of a clean and healthy society.”

Ward 11 environment spokesperson Mandla Mashele said that they will try by all means to keep the area clean and well taken care of at all times.

“Since the area has been given attention and cleaned, it is now up to us as residents to sustain the cleanliness and make sure that we condemn the creation of illegal dumping by residents.

“We will from now on monitor all the cleaned illegal sites and make sure that those who don’t follow the law are reported to the relevant department and be punished.

“We cannot suffer and live in a dirty area only because of certain individuals.”


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