Moving a non-violet South Africa forward

Todays marks the beginning of the annual 16 Days of Activism for no violence against Women and Children.

The theme for this year’s annual 16 Days of Activism for no violence against Women and Children is “Count Me In. Together moving a non-violent South Africa forward”.

The campaign will also reflect on 20 years of democracy in South Africa and 60 years of the Women’s Charter.

“Domestic violence continues to be a deadly crime, a social menace, and a costly public health and economic problem.” said Minister in the presidency for Women Susan Shabangu during her speech at the national debate on the 16 days campaign, “Most of the victims are women and children.”

A series of national and provincial dialogues and campaigns will take place over the weeks to raise awareness against violence.

Shabangu added that women were marginalised and discriminated against in terms of economic opportunities, the labour market as well as access to land, credit, and finance, which makes them prone to violence and abuse.

“Imagine living in a society where we no longer read or hear about the abuse that women and children often suffer at the hands of heartless perpetrators”, said Shabangu.


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