Teaching at 80

Dedicated to teaching, Apie continued 15 years after retiring.

Rose Apie started her teaching career in 1954 and at 80-years-old she is still dedicated to it.

Celebrating her 80th birthday on Thursday, Apie said teaching was her calling.

“In those years we didn’t have manny career options, it was either nursing or teaching.

“I’m glad I chose teaching,” Apie said.

She started her career at Kliptown Primary School (now Macbain Charles Primary School).

Apie took a break from teaching and went into the banking sector but returned eight years later.

“I retired at C.L Magardie (now Eldomaine High School) in 1997 but soon found myself teaching at Feed My Lambs,” Apie said.

She taught Grade One for all of her years, excluding the year she taught Grade Two.

Her daughters followed in her footsteps and are also in the teaching profession.

“I don’t know where my mother gets the strength to be teaching at 80 but I know I get my inspiration from her,” Ursula Meyer, a daughter said.

Apie said this will be her last year of teaching and is looking forward to joining a senior citizens club next year.

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