Sports facilities and other public amenities to be redeveloped

R41,8 million in current financial year to redevelop sports facilities.

Noordgesig Swimming Pool has received R997 500 for its upgrade from the City of Joburg.

According to  Member of the Mayoral Committee for Community Development councillor Chris Vondo, the City  has set aside more than R41, 8 million in current financial year to redevelop sports facilities and other public amenities along the Corridors of Freedom (CoF) in pursuit of its goal to enhance the quality of life of its residents.

Vondo said sports and recreational facilities will play a key role in the shaping of this new spatial development and in the past financial year.

“32 facilities were initially identified for possible refurbishment, eight were approved by the department of development planning, which is the custodian of the CoF on the basis that they would foster social inclusion and promote social cohesion,” said Vondo.

He said that this  is over and above the more than R8 million it spent on similar projects along the CoF in the 2013-2014 financial year, bringing the total amount allocated to this project over the two financial years to around R50 million.

“The Corridors of Freedom are well planned transport arteries linked to mixed used development nodes with residential areas that are supported by office buildings, retail developments and opportunities for education, leisure and recreation”, he said.

According to Vondo, the City has taken steps to safeguard the investments from vandalism and where necessary, security measures such as fencing, lighting, burglar bars, security doors and CCTV cameras have been provided.

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