School opening, off to a good start

Minor disruptions in Gauteng public schools as they opened yesterday.

As schools opened for the fourth term yesterday, things seem to have started on a good note in most areas in Gauteng says the Department of Basic Education, in a statement.

The department says reports from district directors in all 15 districts in the province indicate that there was generally a good start at most public schools on the first day.

“There was good attendance from pupils and teachers.

“The teachers were in class and on time with prepared lessons for the pupils.

“There were, however some cases that were serious which caught our attention such as the alleged stabbing to death of one pupil by another pupil and parents blocking entrance to pupils at one school among others,” the department says.

The department says it will ensure districts continue providing support as schools will soon face the critical time of examinations and it encourages the community to support these schools.

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