Westbury residents rescue building

Homemade workshop burns to ashes.

Early on Wednesday a building in westbury caught fire.

Gayer Myburgh, community leader says: “That residents came together to stop the fire.

“If we were not here, this fire would have done more damage.

“When the fire brigade got here the fire was already out,” says Myburgh.

According to residents the fire brigade took over an hour to respond to their call.

Residents have said that there wasn’t any pressure in the water taps.

Creswell and Ivy Johaar home was damaged in the fire, now they have a house flooded with water.

“The pipe burst when the fire started,” said Johaar

The Johaar family would like to thank the residents for assisting them with cleaning up the water.

“I could see the support from the community when this happened,” said Johaar.

The ward 82 councillor, Susan Steward is at the scene and helping the family that is affected.

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