
Family matters to be put on the table

A summit will take place this week to address problems in families.

This week the Department of Social Development together with organisations that are assigned to protect the interests of citizens, will gather for a three day summit.

Purpose of the meeting is to find ways to deal with difficulties that are facing most families in the country.

According to the department, this summit is set to take place in October, which is the beginning of Social Development Month and it will be at the same time as the 20th anniversary of the International Year of the Family.

Some of the people that will participate in this dialogue include social experts and practitioners, research and higher learning institutions, traditional leaders, government representatives, religious groups and non-government organisations.

Discussions that will take place will be based on ‘Building Stronger Families to Promote Healthy Family Life and Fight Poverty’ theme.

The event will take place at Emperor’s Palace.


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