
Creating safer roads for pupils

Motorists urged to respect and comply with road regulations.

There is a partnership brewing in the township of a project between the Johannesburg Metro Police Department and the Moroka Police including the Community Policing Forum and the Youth Desk to create safer roads for pupils.

According to police’s John Serala, they have started a scholar patrol for pupils project which is to ensure pupils make it safely across the busy roads while going to and coming from schools.

“This initiative is currently taking place at the circle by the BRT Station near the Regina Mundi and Thokoza Park.

“It was done because there was an increase in pupils who were being knocked over by motorist during rush hours of the morning and after school.

“The project is now in pilot project, therefore, at the moment it only benefits the pupils of Lake View Primary School, St Matthews School at Rockville and even the pedestrians of those areas going to work,” Serala said.

He said they urge motorist to respect and comply with the road regulations when being stopped by the scholar patrollers for the safety of all road users and the pedestrians.

Various partners to work together towards making road use a pleasant experience for pupils.
Various partners to work together towards making road use a pleasant experience for pupils.

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