
Schools set for matric final exams

The department and schools are ready for matric exams.

Preparations for the National Senior Certificate 2014 examinations in all nine provinces have been completed, says Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga.

•             A total of 688 660 matric pupils are registered to write the examination this year.

•             Which 550 127 were full-time candidates and 138 533 were part-time pupils.

•             These pupils will write their examination across 6 740 examination centres.

•             Almost 65 000 invigilators will make sure the exams are free of wrongdoing.

•             Measures have been put in place to ensure no leaking of papers.

•             Markers will take a competency test.

•             Final preparations were being made for the seven million answer scripts to be collected on  the day the examination would be written.

•             The papers would then be placed in storage and shifted to the 117 marking centres across the country for marking by a selected team of 41 564 markers.

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