City plans to improve service delivery

1750 small businesses identified to provide services in the City.

In a recent public meeting, the councillor of Ward 44 George Lekgetho urged residents to start a process to register small businesses in order to benefit from the City of Joburg’s projects that are to be implemented in the City.

Lekgetho was speaking about the way in which the City’s municipality plans to improve service delivery as a result, improving the lives of the poor.

Jozi@Work as it is known – is a programme that will identify around 1750 small businesses to provide services as diverse as waste sorting and infrastructure maintenance.

The programme is expected to create jobs.

“This is a new method to facilitate the delivery of services by involving the people that are primarily beneficiaries as the City’s citizens,” said Lekgetho.

Lekgetho said those that have existing Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs) should attend regional meetings or visit any of the regions to access more information about this programme.

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