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Fire tips for this winter

EMS is ready for any eventuality this winter.

Tips from the Emergency Management Services to prevent fires:

Fire Safety:

If individuals use a warehouse or on abandoned building as accommodation they are in danger because there is not enough water connections and electrical connections. This then leads to illegal connections, which is one of the main causes of fires.

Many people die in these buildings because they can’t get out.

Making sure you have at least two doors or windows that you can escape through easily if a fire breaks out.

Making your area fire safe:

· Wood, paper and plastic burn easily, so try not to store lots of paper, plastic or cardboard boxes.

· Curtains, clothing and bedding also burn easily. Keep these things far away from sources of heat such as stoves, candles and heaters.

· Keep spray cans away from flames and heat as they can explode and cause serious burns.

How to prepare for an emergency:

Always keep a bucket of water and a bucket of sand nearby, so you can put out a fire before it burns out of control.


-Check your pipes, gas bottle and appliances regularly.

-Make sure they are not leaking, rusted or damaged.

-If you smell gas, turn the supply off at the bottle.

-Use water to check for leaks in the pipe. Never test for leaks with an open flame because the gas could explode.

-Always light the match first before turning on the gas.

-Turn the gas off if there is a leak or fire.


-Sparks from electric wires and plugs can start a fire.

-Overloaded plugs can burn out easily.

-Worn and exposed electrical wires are dangerous. Replace worn or frayed electric cord immediately.

-Water and electricity do not mix. Keep all electric wires and plugs away from water and steam.

-Teach children about the dangers of electricity.


-If you use paraffin lamps, make sure the flame is protected.

-Put your paraffin stove on a flat surface where it can’t fall or get knocked out.

-A big pot on a small stove can easily fall over and start a fire.

-Never go to bed or out if a candle or paraffin lamp is still burning.

-Switch off heaters and stoves at the plug before going to bed or out.

-Always put out cigarettes carefully. Do not smoke in bed because it is easy to fall asleep and set your bedding on fire.

Candle safety


-Fill a third of the jar with dry sand.

-Cut candle to size, so that the flame will still be in the jar.

-Place candle firmly into the sand

-The glass jar will give out more light

-Candle will die out on the sand.

Candle safety tips

-Keep candles away from children

-A child should not be left unattended in a room with a candle

-Store candles, matches and lighters out of the reach of children.

-Avoid carrying a lit candle.

-A candle should not be used in a confined space.

-Candles should not be used to light stoves.

-Extinguish the flame when you go to sleep or leave the house.

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