Workshop empowers those with mental illness

Central Gauteng Mental Society provides life and social skills activities to help sufferers live a better life.

To ensure that those living with mental illness can look after themselves, the Central Gauteng Mental Society, Soweto Office has started a protective workshop for its clients.

According to the team, this new project is to impart knowledge of life and social skill activities to their clients, so that they can live independently.

Social Auxiliary worker, Nomonde Ngetu says they encourage residents who are at home with this condition to visit their centre, so that they can acquire skills to help better their living situation.

She says: “Our clients pay R120 per month and we use this money so we can cater for them. “We hope that this project will grow and reach other areas as currently it only caters for those in this area due to transport issues.”

For more information on this project or if you can assist with any form of donation to help sustain the project, please contact (011)984-4038/39/41.

Alternatively you can visit the Soweto offices at 831 Elias Motsoaledi Road, Rockville Soweto from Mondays to Fridays from 8am to 4pm.

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