Librarians encourage reading

It is important for children to start reading at a young age.

In celebration of Africa Day, the Eldorado Park Library is visiting schools and reading African stories to Grade R pupils.

“I like what the library is doing because I learnt about the little bunny that visits his friends and I like the pictures,”

said Sibongakonke Gumbi (5).

Yulene November, a librarian, said young children are eager to read and by visiting schools, librarians encourage children to go to the library often.

“We visit schools on other occasions and encourage children to go to the library,” November said.

Gwen Modison, a Grade R teacher said it is important for children to start reading at a young age.

Picture reading is also important because they can tell a story from big colourful pictures.

Children are questioned on illustrations and it allows them to tell a story based on what they see.

“Some of our children don’t have people to read to them at home but by reading to them their vocabulary is broadened,”

Modison said.

Pupils were questioned on the pictures in the library books.

Denise Roux, a teacher, said that they appreciate that the library visits schools.

“It is something great that they promote reading, especially where we are in a society that struggles to read.

“Their visit is also something different for our children,” Roux said.

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