
Small business ministry, cabinet welcomed

South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, happy with small business ministry.

The creation of a small business ministry as well as the ministerial appointments made by President Jacob Zuma has been welcomed by business.

In a statement on Monday, the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Sacci) welcomed President Zuma’s new cabinet which was announced on Sunday evening.

The announcement of the new ministers also saw the formation of new ministries including a new Ministry of Small Business Development, which is set to grow the economy. This will be led by former International Affairs advisor Lindiwe Zulu.

“Sacci welcomes the new ministerial appointments and the creation of a Small Business Ministry. The cabinet shows a commitment to the priorities in the President’s inauguration speech – that being accelerated infrastructure investment; radical economic transformation and jobs growth,” said Sacci Chief Executive Officer Neren Rau.

The move of former Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan to the portfolio of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs is seen as an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the local government sphere, especially in addressing service delivery and local economic development.

Another move announced by the President is that of former Finance Deputy Minister Nhlanhla Nene replacing Gordhan as the Minister of Finance.

“The National Treasury is also in the hands of a skilled and experienced leader in Minister Nene. SACCI anticipates a strong partnership with the Ministry as was experienced under Minister Gordhan,” said Rau.

Sacci was looking forward to building on its existing relationships with government in the approaching term.

The newly appointed Cabinet will be sworn into office later today. –

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