Eskom’s energy saving tips

Residents urged to use electricity sparingly this winter.

Residents are reminded that Eskom experiences a high demand for energy during the winter period so as we approach the winter season residents must do their part in saving energy.

The demand increases during during peak hours from 6pm to 10pm and from 6am to 8am.

“The Eskom network has been designed to provide energy to a set number of customers. Any form of additional demand, such as illegal connections, put a strain on the electrical infrastructure and may also endanger lives,” said Tumi Moloi Eskom Corporate Affairs.

She added that Eskom urges all consumers to use electricity sparingly, as saving energy means paying less, whereas using it in excess could deplete coal reserves and this threatens future capability to provide energy.

“Electricity outages can be avoided by being energy efficient and heeding the power alert advises communicated in the media.

Network overloading from illegal connections, theft, vandalism and system faults can result in outages,” she said.

Here is some energy saving tips from Eskom:

• If you’re not using an appliance, switch it off.
• A geyser uses 39% of all household electricity; switch it off to save electricity and money.
• Use energy saving globes (CFLs) instead of incandescent bulbs.
• Don’t leave TVs, DVD players and other electrical equipment in stand-by mode – rather switch them off completely.
• The same can be said for plug points and adaptors that hold cell phone chargers or bed side bulbs.
• To save money in your kitchen close fridge doors as quickly as possible when taking items out – do not leave the door open for longer than necessary.
• Keep room temperatures between 18ºC and 23ºC and wear warm clothes and use hot water bottles and avoid using heaters.

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