
Fasting for hunger

Around 11 million people go to bed without a meal in Mzansi.

While fasting for 12 hours may be a challenge for many people, fewer people are comforted knowing when their next meal will be.

For approximately 11 million people in South Africa going without a meal for 12 hours is a reality, but they can’t go home and break their fast by sharing a meal with their family, because there may be no food at home.

South Africans are urged to take part in an event by registering, committing to fast for 12 hours, from 7am to 7pm, on World Hunger Day (May 17) and making a R40 donation which will feed a person for a month.

At the end of the day partakers should get together with family and friends to break their fast, while keeping in mind the impact of hunger on the lives of millions of South Africans.

Leading up to World Hunger Day take part in FoodBank 12 Days of Appreciation online campaign starting on May 17.

Post a picture each day of what you appreciate most; your family and friends, food you love or your favourite view.

On the 12th day, World Hunger Day, post images of the meal you eat to break your fast.

Remember to use #12daysofappreciation and #FoodBankSA12HourFast, and tag FoodBank South Africa.

You can go and register at


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