Voters' results

Majority of votes made in Eldos and Klipspruit went to the DA.

Residents lined up to vote for the national and provincial leaders last Wednesday. Over 10 voting stations were set up in Eldorado Park and Klipspruit. The Democratic Alliance (DA) and African National Congress (ANC) are the top two parties and got the following amount of votes from the various voting stations:

Florida Primary School – DA (national) 1639, (provincial) 1655

ANC – (national) 203, (provincial) 190

Delrado Primary School – DA (national) 1453, (provincial) 1479

ANC – (national) 223, (provincial) 208

Cavendish Primary School – DA (national) 1512, (provincial) 1527

ANC – (national) 239, (provincial) 243

Kliptown Secondary School – DA (national) 153, (provincial) 1588

ANC – (national) 273, (provincial) 268

Eldorado Primary – DA (national) 1266, (provincial) 1278

ANC – (national) 195, (provincial) 194

Kliptown Ebenezer Church – DA (national) 1150, (provincial) 1164

ANC (national) 243, (provincial) 222

Eldomaine – DA (national) 877, (provincial) 883

ANC – (national) 205, (provincial) 209

Eldridge – DA (national) 969, (provincial) 968

ANC (national) 131, (provincial) 140

JD Opperman Centre – DA (national) 1846, (provincial) 1863

ANC – (national) 208, (provincial) 205

Lanceavale – DA (national) 2063, (provincial) 2068

ANC (national) 290, (provincial) 276

St Ives – DA (national) 1215, (provincial) 1242

ANC (national) 201, (provincial) 194

Firethorn – DA (national) 1170, (provincial) 1205

ANC – (national) 235, (provincial) 203

Nationally the ANC got majority of votes with 62.15% followed by the DA with 22.23%.

In Gauteng ANC took the lead with 53.59% and the DA got 30.78%.

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