Kemoja buses a success

Kemoja buses take care of 200 children daily.

The Kemoja buses have, since its launch, assisted many residents with both counselling and a mobile crèche.

Almost 200 children are taken care of daily and are fed twice a day.

The buses are stationed at two different stops daily where parents can take their children to the toy library.

The bus has two teachers, two assistants, a cleaner and a chef.

The other buses deal with people affected by substance abuse.

In the past week, eight addicts went to the buses seeking for help.

“We are here to help.

“We provide counselling and refer people to social workers and if needed, we refer addicts to rehab centres,” Euston Lemmetjies said.

The buses have four youth developers and two social workers.

“These buses aren’t only for addicts, we counsel people with any family issues too,” Lemmetjies said.

He said that the services are valuable to the community and has been welcomed by residents.

“The elderly especially appreciate us because it saves them from walking long distances to get help,” he said.

Majority of the people they have attended to at the buses were youth seeking help on their addictions.

“We are very excited about the services and have seen changes already.

“We can’t wait to see the long term effect of the buses,” Lemmetjies said.

For more information on the buses, Lemmetjies can be reached on 081 428 8175.

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