Beware of fake police at malls

Protea Glen communications officer Constable Vincent Mashiteng says fake police show false police identity cards and rob people of their belongings.

Soweto police are making the community aware of the criminals that pretend to be police in the malls and on the streets.

Protea Glen communications officer Constable Vincent Mashiteng said the fake police show false police identity cards and rob people of their belongings.

“We have had several complaints from residents in Glenridge and local malls such as Protea Gardens and Protea Glen Mall about such incidents.

“People must be careful when they are approaching such people dressed in police uniform but using private cars,” he said.

Mashiteng said when people are confronted by such people; they must ask to check their identity cards and their ID numbers to see if they correspond and ask them to tell their ID numbers without looking at the card.

“You have the right to call the sector vehicle that operates in the area in order to verify their identity with the sector police.

“Every resident should know their sector vehicle numbers to avoid such crimes in future,” he said.

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