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Workshop for secretaries and admin personnel

AKTV hosted a workshop for all secretaries and admin staff, this is to help staff be more effective.

A workshop for all secretaries and admin staff was held for five schools in the Bosmont, Newclare, Riverlea and Westbury area.

This four hour workshop ‘work smarter’ was fully sponsored by the Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging (ATKV) as part of their campaign “Education My Responsibility”.

André Hendricks a certified life coach, who organised this workshop,

“That there is a great need to have these workshops as many secretaries and admin personnel is not professionally trained to fulfil their tasks,” said Hendricks.

Some of the topics that were covered:

· Professional image, perception and first impressions

· Honesty and integrity

· Communication

· Self-esteem, self-awareness and self-belief

· Dealing with the public

· Time management

· Stress management

· Work Smarter

· Organising meetings

” That the ATKV is taking education very seriously and hope to make an impact in the schools that they are in partnership with,” said Hendricks

The education department of the ATKV’s primary focus is on learners, parents, the school governing body and teachers.

Below is a short description of the other interventions:

• Learners are encouraged that despite their current circumstances and background to persevere and make education their priority and that your past does not equal your future. The theme for this year is “Only my very best is good enough”

• Leadership workshops are offered to RCLs and prefects with much emphasis on their roles and responsibilities in their respective schools. “Lead by example”

• Parents on the other hand are encouraged to take a special and keen interest in their children’s lives. Mr Hendricks is convinced that the success and development of a child depends greatly on the active involvement of parents. The theme “Every Child My Responsibility”

• Mind shift sessions are offered to teachers and here much attention is focused on the “self”. Mr Hendricks, an ex-teacher, who presents these sessions called “Make it Happen”, believes that it starts with the individual. Teachers are encouraged – and reminded of the importance of a balanced life style and that they work with the most precious material the mind of a child.

For more information contact Andre Hendricks 011 919 9104.

The staff that were on the workshop which was sponsored by AKTV
The staff that were on the workshop which was sponsored by AKTV

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