Juggling a soccer ball is a art form

Freestyle soccer player does it big.

Freestyle Soccer is a very recent yet quick developing art form in South Africa.

It is also considered one of the fastest growing urban sports in the world.

When Zain Patel began juggling a soccer ball with his feet as a youngster he never realised that he was actually perfecting a great skill that would one day provide him his daily bread.

“I used to juggle the ball on my way to school and I would make sure the ball never touched the ground. I was so creative, coming up with funny tricks with the ball, impressing my peers,” said Patel.

He began training to become a professional soccer player at the Stars of Africa Soccer Academy and soon became a manager and youth development coach.

His mentor, Coach Farouk Khan, inspired him to find his true passion.

The first time he ever saw that soccer freestyle was a form of art was when he found a clip on the internet of a guy in Europe doing tricks with the soccer ball.

He was instantly hooked into it and began dedicating all his time and effort into practicing.

“It was challenging sometimes because he didn’t know of anyone else who practiced this art in the country,” said Patel

He began practicing with them and marketed himself by performing in the streets at taxi ranks, in squares, and flea markets showing people his skills and tricks.

This was how he was discovered by clients who booked him for events and functions.

Teaming up with the b-boy crew, 021 Static B-boys, also worked to his advantage because he would get a solo part in the performances and gain publicity.

Freestyle soccer quickly became a full-fledged career for Zain. For about 10 years he has been able to live off of the art form he truly loves and support his family.

For more information please contact Zain Patel 079 979 0207.

Zain Patel found a career in juggling a soccer ball.
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