Pre-paid water meter installation still a problem

Residents gather in protest against the installation of pre-paid water meters.

Last Thursday Pimville residents march through the streets in protest against the installation of pre-paid water meters.

Earlier, some residents uprooted water pipes that had been installed throughout the township with the claims that permission was not granted to the contractors.

Residents voiced their disapproval citing unemployment and lack of consultation as reasons behind the resentment of the whole system.

There were clashes between construction workers and protestors however Kliptown police were deployed to calm the situation.

This led to some residents marching to the police station to open a case of intimidation against some construction workers who they claim intimidated them.

“We will not be shut down.

“We do not want these pre-paid water meters in our houses,” said residents.

Ward 22 councillor, Lizzy Mabaso said there would be a meeting with the MMC of infrastructure the following Sunday to discuss this matter further.

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