Our children need our assistane – councillor

Councillor encourages parents to support their children.

Chiawelo Ward 12 Councillor Joe Nemaungani is pleading with parents to throw their weight towards supporting their children academically in order to create a positive and skilled generation.-

Nemaungani said as the year has started and children focus on their education, this is the right time for parents to start throwing their weight towards supporting their children with school work and also draw up a studying and assistance timetable to assist them.-

“When the school’s closed last year and parents took a break, it didn’t necessarily meant that books must not be entertained or considered forever, that simply means that they must be on break but now the schools have opened and pupils are busy with their education, so parents must act up and lead by example and assist children.-

“Parents must check their children’s books and also help with school work and draft study time table even for weekends and public holidays.”-

Nemaungani said he will do his bit to support the pupils with school work and make sure that their education does advance.-

“I will be visiting different schools in my area to give guidance and motivational talks with pupils and encourage them to join many reading and studying campaigns whenever I’m available.-

“This year, we as parents, uncles, fathers and mothers and sisters, we must unite and make sure that we play our role and help our children where possible with their education matters.” he said.-

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