
Are you registered to vote?

Some of the common questions answered with regards to the upcoming general elections.

Elections has come and political parties are paying attention to the ‘born frees’ who are born post-apartheid will be taking part in their first general election.

Here are some answers to your questions about the up-coming elections.

Who can vote?

You must be a South African citizen, 18 years of age or older and registered as a voter in the voting district where you live.

What do you need to register?

You need your identity document (ID).

You will fill out a form with your name and address.

Your ID will be scanned and your name will automatically be entered into the voters’ roll for the voting district.

When and where can I register?

You can register at your municipal office during working hours.

On February 8-9 the voting station in your voting district will be open for your voter registration.

Who must register?

If you haven’t previously registered, you need to register as a voter.

If you have moved since the last election which was 2009, you must re-register.

Some voting district boundaries have change and people registered in those districts will be informed by the IEC.

Even if you have registered, checking if your name is on the voters’ roll with your details are correctly captured.

What if you don’t have an ID?

All South African citizens of 16 years and older, all permanent residents can get an ID document.

You will need your ID to register.

To apply for an ID, you must take your birth certificate and two ID-size photographs, to any regional or district office of the Department of Home Affairs(DOH).

If you don’t have a birth certificate then you need to prove you were born in South Africa.

Your parent, senior relative or someone else who has known you since birth should complete an affidavit providing the details of your birth,

According to the DOH these are documents you could prove your citizenship:

· A valid baptismal certificate,

· first school letter,

· clinic card or a house permit.

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