
Emshukantambo achieves 80%

Emshukantambo becomes the second best performing school in Pimville.

Emshukantambo Senior Secondary School’s class of 2013 is the second best performing school in Pimville after they achieved 80 percent for their matric exams.

It was excitement all around as teachers, parents and pupils realised that they had outdone themselves and the class of 2012 who only managed a 76 percent.

“I am so excited because my predictions were correct and this year we are aiming for an even higher mark,” said Pule Hlahane a teacher at the school.

Hlahane said they attribite their success to the fact that they start grooming their pupils from as soon as Grade Eight, ensuring that they have the discipline to study hard when they get to matric.

“The matric camp extra morning classes also contributed to the result that we achieved.

“I would like to thank all the matric teachers and pupils who sacrificed their time to attain what critics thought was unattainable,” Hlahane said.

Nokubonga Shoba, the highest performing pupil at the school, said: “It is not the result that counts but what you will do with that result.”

Shoba said that the trick was just to work hard and smart and encouraged those that didn’t make it to decide what they would do with their results.

“It is not the end of the world if you didn’t do well, there are a lot of other avenues that that a person can pursue,” she said.

Thabo Mkhari the second best performing pupil said he was overwhelmed by the result and owes his success to the sacrifice he put in throughout the year.

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