
Guidelines for abuse victims

Victims of any act of domestic violence should approach the magistrate's court for assistance in the application of a protection order

The CPF are concerned with the high incidence of domestic violence and are urging residents to work together to curb the crime. Domestic violence occurs within the home environment and can be physical, sexual, economic abuse, intimidation, stalking, damage to property or acts that harm or cause imminent harm to the safety, health and wellbeing of another.

“If you feel you are a victim of any act of domestic violence, you should approach the magistrate’s court for assistance in the application of a protection order,” Victor Olivier, chairperson of the CPF, said.

A protection order cannot be given personally to the respondent, it is the responsibility of someone in an official capacity like the police to hand it over.

“Arrange with the police to collect the return of service which will prove that the interim protection order has been served and the respondent has personally received it,” Olivier said.

Police must assist in any manner stipulated in the court order, like escorting one for the collection of personal belongings, although it is not their duty to assist with the removal of items. If a respondent breaches the protection order, a complaint may be filed at the police station and, if circumstances permit, the respondent will be arrested.

Once the respondent is arrested, the applicant cannot withdraw the charges.

“The CPF have noticed that residents are opening cases without understanding the seriousness of opening domestic violence cases.

“They withdraw the cases and later return to open another case.

“This must stop because domestic violence is considered very serious in the eyes of the law,” Olivier said.

He said it is sometimes difficult to get victims of abuse to accept and admit that they are being abused, they deny it and are ashamed.

“If victims are open about their abuse, it is easier to advise or intervene,” Olivier said.

He said that abuse victims should stop making excuses for the abuser.

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