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Never too late to get in shape

Bangumzi Magana (60) from Orlando East says Soweto Keep Fit Club has changed his life for the better.

Bangumzi Magana (62) is a member of Soweto Keep Fit Club. Magana spent a year of his life suffering from insomnia and stress.

This was until he joined the Soweto Keep Fit Club and through exercising and taking care of his mind, body and spirit he no longer suffers from stress and insomnia.

“Joining Soweto Keep Fit Club is the best thing I could do for myself. I use to drink to relieve my stress and now I exercise to relieve my stress.

“I feel like a new man since I have joined this club, I did not know that my body can do so much,” he said.

Magana said that he use to have a huge beer belly and could not reach down to tire his shoe laces.

Now he is as fit as a fiddle and not only can he reach down to tie his shoe laces he can also keep up with people half his age in the aerobic class.

“I want to encourage other man my age to come and join Soweto Keep Fit Club. Men must stop drowning their pain in alcohol, through exercise I learnt other ways of dealing with stress.

“Now I can sleep I no longer stare at the roof at night because of my insomnia. I sleep like a baby all thanks to Soweto Keep Fit Club,” he said.

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One Comment

  1. Indeed Mayana is an inspiration!IF our people could realise that ones best medical aid is excercising they would not die

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