Project to save water

Johannesburg Water held a meeting at the White Church in Orlando East last Tuesday, attended by Soweto Concerned Residents.

Johannesburg Water held a meeting at the White Church in Orlando East last Tuesday, attended by Soweto Concerned Residents.

The meeting was to discuss the Soweto Infrastructure Upgrade and Rehabilitation Project.

Joburg Water says there are about 3, 8 million people in Johannesburg, with an approximate annual demand of 493 000 megalitres of water, growing at 3,93 percent a year.

According to Joburg Water, in 10 years time the City expects to provide 724 000 megalitres per annum against the current Rand Water allocation of approximately 500 000 megalitres.

Joburg Water says these figures have encouraged the utility to develop a water conservation and demand management strategy to reduce future demand by at least 90 000 megalitres over the next 10 years, in line with the National Water Demand Management Strategy of the Department of Water Affairs.

Residents were informed about the repairing of in house plumbing fixtures, leaking taps and leaking of toilets that will be done by Joburg Water representatives.

Residents will have three months to report any defects of poor workmanship identified on the work conducted by the contractor. After three months it will be up to the home owner to repair any defects.

The benefits of having a prepaid meter were also explained.

Cindy Ncobo a representative from Joburg Water told residents they will be able to access free basic water and that their water and sanitation debt will be written off over 36 months.

She explained that residents will receive 6000 liters of water every month and an extra 4000 litters which is intended for emergencies.

“Once the 6000 litters is finished residents who cannot afford more water can apply for Expanded Social Package and have free basic water increased to 10kl per month ,” she said.

She said that if at any time they have problems with their water meters they should not temper with the meters but should rather call Joburg Water.

Ward 31 Councillor Bongani Dlamini, said that it is important for residents to be well informed about the Infrastructure Upgrade and Rehabilitation Project so that they are not intimidated by it.

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