Local businesses to be honoured

Bigger companies are requested to operate in Eldos.

The Eldorado Park True Men’s Forum (EPTMF) will be honouring local businesses that have given back to the community.

“This gala dinner is to recognise businesses that empower people and it’s also to encourage other businesses to aim to be better,” Sebastian de Villiers, chairman of EPTMF said.

He said that it is also a call for bigger corporate companies to bring their business to Eldos.

Leon Cornelson from Crystal Mall echoes the call.

“We would like for our residents to be able to do their shopping or banking in their own neighbourhood instead of having to travel to do so,” Cornelson said.

He said relationships can be built between communities and businesses.

“We will see how Eldos will boom because we will have a sustainable economy,” de Villiers said.

The gala dinner will be held on August 29 at Crystal Mall starting at 6pm.

For more information de Villiers can be reached on seblointeriors@hotmail.com

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