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Willow Crescent bids farewell to yet another learner

February 9 was yet another sad day as Willow Crescent had to bid farewell to yet another learner from the Class of 2020; Aasiya Peerbhai.

“Last year was an extremely difficult year for the Willow Crescent Secondary School family as we had lost six members. Two were staff members, Mr. Victor Lazarus and Mrs. Elaine Hadebe as well as four learners. Grade 8; Mbali Nxumalo, Grade 9; Shakir Dawadi, Grade 10; Bongiwe Matsoso and Grade 11; Winston Hendricks,” said the principal of Willow Crescent Secondary School, Olivia Hill.

February 9 was yet another sad day as Willow Crescent had to bid farewell to yet another learner from the Class of 2020; Aasiya Peerbhai. “She battled with her health but managed to write all her subjects under very difficult circumstances and sadly passed on February 2 whilst we are all waiting for results to be published.

Aasiya Peerbhai was a source of strength for too many as she courageously completed the NSC exams during the current pandemic,” said principal Hill. Carmen Peerbhai, the mother of the 19-years-old Aasiya Peerbhai shared that her daughter first showed signs of illness in the middle of last year when her joints were swollen.

“After seeing a doctor, rheumatoid arthritis was ruled out and an x-ray scan showed that Aasiya had one overactive thyroid. Tests also relieved that her iron levels were very low.

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“She remained on the iron tablets until the week before Christmas, she then went into a fit-like state and was rushed to the hospital. She laid at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital until the week of Christmas. When she was discharged the doctor said that she cannot prescribe any medication because she was not sure of her condition.

“Assiya needed to go for a CT scan, ultrasound, and ECG and on discharge, I went to go make all these appointments and one with a hematologist. Her iron levels were still low when she was laying in Bara,” explained Carmen.

The mother added that when her daughter was at home she would complain about her pains and kept reiterating that the family would never understand. “All of her appointments were set for February. On February 10, we were supposed to see the doctor for the results, the ultrasound was due for February 1, she passed away on February 2, February 13 was supposed to be the CT scan, February 18 was the haematologist appointment and on February 22 she was supposed to receive her matric results,” shared her mother.

Learners from Willow Crescent Secondary School holding the coffin of their friend Assiya Peerbhai.

After Assiya’s death, an autopsy was done on her and it was then revealed that she died of multiple organ failures due to oedema and lots of water in the 19-year-old body.

“My message to the youth would be that no matter your circumstances, try and build up that resilience and courage to fight to want to complete tasks especially when it comes to your education. Assiya pushed through everything regardless of the pain that she was going through,” concluded her mother Carmen.

Assiya was enrolled at two colleges and one university where she wanted to do media studies.

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