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Eldorado Park fed up residents speak out against sewage issues

To be more specific, the sewage issue from Phillipi and Slagberg Street which runs into Main Road.

Issues with housing, electricity, and roads are very common daily stresses which residents face in Eldorado Park and surrounding areas. A concerned resident from Eldorado Park extension 4, Vernon Bosman brought yet another issue in the community, and that is the sewage issue.

To be more specific, the sewage issue from Phillipi and Slagberg Street which runs into Main Road.

“Most of the neighbours are homeowners, they got their title deeds a few years back, and now we are seeing people erecting structures on their properties. The issues are in two streets and the sewage joins running into the main road.

“I think both the houses are connected to the same pipe. I’m a pastor and I do bible studies with children; the very same children are the ones who play in that sewage water in the streets. Neighbours are fighting with each other because they are all frustrated with each other as the sewage is leaking into their neighbour’s houses,” explained Bosman.

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The concerned resident added that he lived in the area all his life and believes that those pipes are not built for the capacity that it’s currently dealing with.

“There are backyard dwellers, some people are putting their raw sewage down the drains because they living in shacks with no toilets. We cannot live like this; this issue is going to get worse. The initial issue is that if it’s on a person’s property, they need to fix it but many people are depending on SASSA grants and they cannot afford to pay private plumbers.”

“This has been occurring over two years and in the other streets, it’s about four years. The government needs to do their part, they gave people these delipidated houses which are over forty years old, and people don’t have the money to fix such things. I am a property owner and when things that neighbours do that can affect the value of my house, if I report it, I then get sworn at,” he explained further.

Concerned resident; Vernon Bosman.

Marlene Rensburg who lives at one of the houses where the sewage is running from in Slagberg shared: “I would like someone to help me for the sake of the children. It’s in front of the kitchen door and I have to cook through all of this.” Rensburg and her family are ten living in the house and more living in two shacks in the same yard.

We contacted Ward councilor Fazel Jaffer and he said: “I am aware of this problem, we have escalated to Joburg Water however, this is private property so they cannot fix it. The owners have built on top of the pipes and need to get a private plumber. I have also tried to get a private donor.”

This issue has been on-going for the last two years in Slagberg Street.

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