
Why solids are a bad idea until baby turns six months

When babies refuse to fall asleep and cry endlessly, moms tend to think it is because they are hungry and the milk is not enough to sustain their baby. They resort to introducing solids early on in life.  But according to the World Health Organisation, it is recommended that you exclusively breastfeed or give your …

When babies refuse to fall asleep and cry endlessly, moms tend to think it is because they are hungry and the milk is not enough to sustain their baby. They resort to introducing solids early on in life.  But according to the World Health Organisation, it is recommended that you exclusively breastfeed or give your baby formula for the first six months of your baby’s life. Recent studies indicate that an earlier introduction to food between 18-20 weeks can only be done once your baby has all their milestones in place.  Only a paediatrician, clinic sister or dietitian can tell you that all required milestones have been reached and your baby is ready to start solid foods. Feeding your baby solids early on may be a quick fix that doesn’t solve the problem and can have dire consequences in the future.

Why early introduction is not a good idea?

Starting your baby on solids may be an exciting time but there are a few things you need to keep in mind before introducing solid food to your little one. Introducing solids too early can have a major health impact on your baby’s health and sleep. These impacts include:

  • Possible food allergies: A lot of children have allergies and they never get to find out what triggers them but the early introduction of solids could be the cause.
  • Choking hazards: Swallowing milk is a different mechanical action to swallowing solids. Your baby needs to transfer the food to the back of the mouth to swallow with their tongue. Cereal in bottles is not recommended.
  • Poor nutrition: Since milk is still essential at this age for their growth, filling tummies with solids will decrease milk intake.
  • Constipation/diarrhoea: The digestive system is not ready for solid food digestion and fragile. This can lead to either constipation or diarrhoea.
  • Less sleep: The solid may be heavy for small stomach and make the baby uncomfortable.
  • Possible obesity: South Africa has a high rate of obesity. A contributing factor is introducing solids early on in life but the effects are felt later on life
  • Possible chronic illness: Diabetes or high blood pressure are possible as they grow.

The right time to introduce solids

Moms always receive advice on when to introduce solids to their babies to help them sleep better. Thinking that food will improve your child’s sleep is correct but food needs to be introduced responsibly and at the right time and that is at six months.  Making healthy food choices from the start can set your baby up for a healthy, restful future. The path you take now will most likely impact your child’s life later on. If your baby is indeed ready to start their solid food journey, the most wonderful adventure awaits you and your little bundle of joy. The excitement and eagerness with which your baby will approach that first spoon full of solid food will have you both overcome with happiness.A balanced diet between milk and solid food can have a positive impact on your baby’s sleep and can help your baby sleep better when the time is right.    

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