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Ward 39 PAC held a peaceful march against Gender-Based Violence

The march began in Mzimhlophe park to the Orlando Police Station.

The Pan African Congress (PAC) of Ward 39 in Mzimhlophe Ezindlovini held a peaceful march against Gender-Based Violence and other criminal activities to Orlando Police Station.

The march began in Mzimhlophe park where all the attendees of the march gathered, although not enough people joined the walk as few as they were they still proceeded with what they had planned and delivered their message to law enforcers.

Sarah Chauke explained that the reason they decided to act as a party is that GBV is becoming worse than it was, she added that every day when they wake up they get the news that there is a woman or a child that has been killed.

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She stated that both men and women get raped because GBV does not only talk about women only but also males.

Chauke said they felt that they need to stand up and try to get a solution.

Chauke said in their memorandum they included other challenges that they face as the community mostly criminal activities.

Marchers Making their way to the Police station.

“In our area, we have houses where people chill and abuse drugs, this also affects our community and has a hand in GBV,” said Chauke.

She alleged that most houses that sell drugs and used as drug dens are vacant or child-headed households.

Chauke explained that they want police officers to act and be there for the people and to ensure that they are safe.

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