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Dun Pap en Botter – Eldos’ very own radio show

A breakfast show for the early risers

It is timeless, it is classic, it’s Dun Pap en Botter – Eldos’ very own radio show for the early risers. The presenters, Timothy Bernard and Nitasha Bailey who many know as Tim-time-bomb and Hash Tash said that they have focused their show on making sure listeners start their day in good spirits, while touching on current affairs affecting the Greater Eldorado Park community.

The breakfast show has a variety of musical features which ensure that everyone is catered for. These features include Monday Blues, Reggae Hour and Holla Fridays.

Tim-time-bomb who is from Klipspruit said that he always marks his stay at EldosFM with the housing protest that took place two years ago.

“My silver Ford was one of the cars that drove up and down along-side tow trucks fairing injured people to the outskirts of our area for medical help. I would pop in from time to time to update listeners about safety and plead with them to allow ambulance through the community,” he said.

“Reporting live from the field and at regular intervals popping into the studio gave birth to my stint at 87.6 EldosFM,” he added.

Hash Tash, who is from Extension Three, started at the radio station almost eight months ago and said Eddie Zondi, a Metro FM radio presenter is the reason why she decided to do radio.

“Listening to him motivated me so much. I loved how he reached out and changed the lives of his listeners. His passion motivated me to give radio a try. I was shy at first and I still doubt myself sometimes but I am eager to keep learning,” she said.

Both presenters have said that they wake up residents with a feature called The Power Hour.

“This is 60 minutes of worship, words of encouragement and a few scripture reading through whatsapp, calls and voice notes. Through this we share a prayerful time with listeners. We used to play one gospel song in the morning but our listeners wanted more so our solution was The Power Hour. We play gospel requests and even have a few listeners sharing morning seed with us,” said Bernard.

When asked their goals for the show their response was: “Because we are a community station, we hope to somehow harness the different communities within this community. We have Muslim listeners and gangster groups, so we believe they have something to say as well. Instead of condemning their action I would like to invite former gangsters to come and redirect our youth,” said Bernard.

“We also hope to expand on our Reggae feature because our residents can learn a lot from this genre of music. It’s all about keeping our community motivated and in high spirits,” added Bailey.

Outside of radio Tim-time-bomb is a journalist currently working for African News Agency. “We syndicate internationally and I deal with visual news-pictures, videos and documentaries. I cycle off-road and I do private photography too,” said Bernard.

Hash Tash loves baking. “I sell my creations to the public. I can bake anything from cakes, to cupcakes, muffins and even koeksisters,” she said.

Hash Tash spends most of her time involved in church activities and her husband is a priest.

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