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Need a job? Register with PAPU to get help

For more information contact Dawn Joseph on 011 477 0706 or 082 578 5474 or email on peopleagainstup@gmail.com.

The social development programme ‘People Against Poverty and Unemployment’ (PAPU) will be taking students on board for January 2018.

PAPU assists job seekers to find employment by offering them resources, mentorship and assistance on how to look for employment.

The initial programme offers computer training, life skills, free internet access for job seeking, counselling, advisory referrals, social support and they are working on implementing an entrepreneurship programme.

According to the centre manager Dawn Joseph, students are advised to register now until January 10 when the centre reopens after the holidays.

On December 6, PAPU hosted an expo for HIV and AIDS Awareness Day at the Masters Field in Westbury.

The career expo also included talks and referrals about where women could go if they were abused.

Next year PAPU will offer a host of courses will be provided to students who are registered with the programme.

These are; call centre training, entrepreneurship training, project management training, the Sparrow FET College artisan skills and other related courses which the College offers to students.

There will also be a work readiness training course which will be facilitated through Century Skills and GCRA.

The centre also looks forward to having a parenting skills workshop and training for parents which will provide them with the necessary skills to be a good parent.

This workshop will be held in the first and fourth quarter of next year and parents and parents in waiting can get ready for registration as well in the next year.

For more information contact Dawn Joseph on 011 477 0706 or 082 578 5474 or email on peopleagainstup@gmail.com.

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