
‘Charity begins at home’

Reece Klein, a young woman with big dreams.

Reece Klein is a Miss Gauteng Exclusive Top 20 finalist, who has big dreams and a vision to work on altering the mindsets of the little children in Eldorado Park community.

She believes that everyone’s focus is more on the young adults whose minds are not as vulnerable as a little child’s and it is easier to influence the good in a little child’s mind than in someone who is grown.

“For many years during my upbringing, I’ve noticed that more attention was paid to the youth. Woman and men, for example, drug abuse, woman abuse violence against men and women etc.

“Through it all, I’ve realised that very little attention was and is being paid to our little ones and I’ve made a solid decision and a vow that through God’s grace I would like to pay more attention to grooming our little ones.

“I think most of the disappointing out-turns of our youth and adults come from the roots wrongly planted in the early stage of our lives,” Klein said.

She added that she would be making it her mission to assist more than before by grooming the little ones by getting them actively involved in community activities and participation from a younger age.

She said, “You can only reap wonderful fruits by sowing proper seeds.” Klein added that these children were the seeds and, as the dictum goes, ‘Charity begins at home’. This is where she will be starting, in her community of Eldorado Park.

On Saturday, October 14, Klein had a fun-filled day set out for the children in Eldos with a jumping castle set up as well as a DJ to keep them entertained.

“I gathered all the little ones in our community, getting them actively involved in sports and having fun. My most precious moment was when I handed out the little goodie bags and something to nibble on.

“I would give a million dollars to recapture that sense of belonging and excitement in their eyes. My next mission is pushing my way into fulfilling their educational needs.

“I hope that God may strengthen me enough to continue on this journey. To everyone who assisted in making this possible, big thanks for your support.”

Reece Klein standing with her support group in her mission and the fight for change.

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