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WATCH: ‘As a community we cannot be racist’

Nationwide go-slow campaign planned

Racial tensions in Klipspruit West are at a high following the community’s refusal to accept the appointment of a black principal at Klipspruit West Secondary School.

Allegations have been made against the community of being racist after calls for a coloured principal to be appointed in the predominantly coloured area.

Indigenous First Nation Advocacy South Africa executive chairperson, Anthony Williams said, “As a community, we cannot be racist.”

The crisis committee, a team who wish to resolve the challenges at Klipspruit West Secondary School and who are opposed to the South African Democratic Teachers Union‘s (SADTU) “Operation Vat Alles” which declares that all positions in coloured communities should be occupied by their members, have met on  July 31 to address concerns.

On Tuesday, August 1, at a press conference held on August 1, the crisis committee called for mass action across the province and the country for the situation to receive redress.

According to Charis Pretorious, media liaison of the Greater Eldorado Park Business Forum, approximately nine schools form part of their go-slow mass action protest.

She said, “As of tomorrow, we will be embarking on a mass action campaign.”

On August 2, a mass meeting will commence at 6 pm at St Ives Primary School in Klipspruit West, as residents and stakeholders attempt to thresh out a plan in the hope of charting a way forward.

Gauteng Department of Education‘s official statement about this matter:

MEC Lesufi resolve to dissolve SGB of Klipsruit-West Secondary School

The Gauteng MEC for Education, Panyaza Lesufi met with the School Management Team, School Governing Body (SGB), Local Structures and the parents of Klipspruit Wes, on Wednesday, 26 July 2017. The meeting was convened following the protest at Klipspruit-Wes Secondary School regarding the recent appointment of the Principal.

MEC Lesufi emphasised to the meeting that SGBs have a responsibility to run functional schools, educators must accelerate teaching and learning without favour. They should also resist or encourage all forms of racism. All educators who refuse to teach must be charged and taken through disciplinary process accordingly.

MEC acknowledged for all communities to be treated equally and benefit from socio-economic development. In that regard the principle of non-racism and non-sexism. The school should promote and manage diversity.

The MEC, having taken all contributions, will mull over the outcome and make a pronouncement in 72 hours or by Friday 28 July 2017. However, the appointment of principals and educators should be based on merit and competence whilst taking into account employment equity considerations.

The department will facilitate a process for the dissolution of the SGB. We, condemn any attempts to disrupt schooling without due process. The role of the Principal Forum will be investigated in this regard.

The current refurbishment at the school will be investigated due to allegations of corruption.

Finally, the department undertook to ensure that the school is reconnected to the grid without further delay.

The department will continue to monitor the situation, as we strive to create a conducive learning and teaching environment for both learners and educators.


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