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Second fire kills one

This past weekend, Kathrada Park Informal Settlement had another fire that swept through the settlement, destroying around 100 homes and leaving many residents homeless.

This past weekend, Kathrada Park Informal Settlement had another fire that swept through the settlement, destroying around 100 homes and leaving many residents homeless.

There were two causalities that were rushed to hospital with third degree burns, with one death reported as the deceased was burnt beyond recognition.
“I have two children and their school uniforms were amongst our belongings that were burnt, I only have the clothes on my back.
“How does one rebuild something from nothing,” said Angelina Ncnelie a resident that lost everything in the fire.
Isaac Motshwaedi said, “I just got home from working the night shift and saw my home burnt to ashes.”
“I worked hard to buy my things and in one night I lost everything.”


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Around 100 shacks burnt.

“In my experience it is going to be very difficult to identify the deceased, if no-one comes forward makes it really hard,” said DA ward 82 councillor Susan Stewart
“We have started a data base of the residents to get statistics on how many children and parents are in the area.
“Disaster Management has gone out to Kathrada Park to assist with the damage and local businesses and organisations that have helped in getting food and blankets,” said Stewart.
The Dannie Van Zyl Community Hall is being used to house around 100 residents for the interim housing according to councillor Stewart.

Building the data base of residents in Kathrada Park.
Building the data base of residents in Kathrada Park.

This is only a week ago that another fire destroyed 15 homes in Kathrada Park

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