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Only weddings, unveilings and tombstones on our street – jmpd

“Erecting tents on the streets is in contravention of the City of Johannesburg’s By-Laws and people who are found doing that without any given written permission will be heavily punished.

Residents who will be found erecting tents on the street for any other activities other than wedding, funeral or tombstones without permission from Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) will be heavily punished.

JMPD spokesperson Wayne Minnaar said that erecting tents illegally is costing the city a lot of money which it didn’t budgeted for.

“Erecting tents on the streets is in contravention of the City of Johannesburg’s By-Laws and people who are found doing that without any given written permission will be heavily punished.

“After erecting such tents on the streets, they leave small holes on the tar road and those holes grow big into being potholes which put most of lives into danger and also affect the city’s service delivery plans because they will need to be fixed at a later stage,” he said.

Minnaar said that, the permission can be obtained from the municipality’s offices in the township.

“The only way to get the permission into erecting such structures is only by applying for it through the area councillor and also getting a written petition from neighbours or by only calling us.

“The notice to do such activity should be given in two or three weeks in advance before the party can be hosted.

“By so doing, we will avoid the issue of people fighting with police or having their parties being cut short because of not following the right procedures, we just want people to do what’s right and abide by the law.”

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