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Asher pre-school celebrate heritage day with the young ones

Asher pre-school principal Zuzile Mthi said the event is mainly about teaching our children to about their culture and teaching them to celebrate because if children are not taught about the diversity of cultures they became discriminative towards other cultures and nations.

The streets of Soweto are flooded with beautiful traditional patterns and bright colours of various traditional as South Africa celebrated heritage day. Parents and children came in numbers for the heritage day event held at Asher pre-school in Emndeni.

Asher pre-school principal Zuzile Mthi said the event is mainly about teaching our children to about their culture and teaching them to celebrate because if children are not taught about the diversity of cultures they became discriminative towards other cultures and nations.

“We do not want our children to assume that for example, the Zulu tribe is the only tribe because in history there was only one tribe which is the Zulu tribe but because of disagreements and megalomaniac individuals, other tribes we initiated. But the truth is we are one nation no matter where we came from,” said Mthi.

Mthi said she hosts the event once every 2 years but intends to host it every year because she realised that people are losing ‘Ubuntu’ humanity.

“I teach English at school but I don’t want my learners to forget their roots because our culture is very rich as black people but now because of the Western culture we seem to ignore it and we have the best culture ever, we should celebrate it more,” said Mthi

A community member Christened Marshall said he is from a Swati culture but today he is celebrating his wife culture dressed in a leopard print vest and umqhele.

“What I love most about the event is that it represents who we are and where we come from because the most important thing is not to forget our past because once we forget our past in means we lose our identity and we will inherit the white culture,” said Marshall.

Ntabiseng Seromo advised people to celebrate their culture every day and make it a lifestyle so that the next generation can also inherit their heritage and pass it to the next generation, we need to teach children about their roots.

Parents and children along with teachers and community members enjoyed traditional food, music and traditional dance as they took turns to show how they dance it their culture.

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