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New Mental Health Support Group Leader Training near you

SADAG has over 200 Support Groups around the country that deal with depression, anxiety, trauma, chronic illness and bipolar, as well as Support Groups.

Support Groups provide a safe space for people living with mental illness to connect, learn and share with others who have been through similar experiences.

Mental Illness can make someone feel very misunderstood, lonely and isolated, especially since there is so much stigma surrounding depression, anxiety, trauma and bipolar disorder. Support Groups can help break the stigma and shame associated with mental illness. Being part of a Support Group provides people with space where they feel they belong and are understood. It also teaches them skills that they can use to cope better with everyday life.

The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), one of the country’s leading mental health advocacy groups, runs a 22 helpline call centre. The call centre receives over 600 calls per day from people around the country seeking help, information and resources for their mental health issue.

Some of the resources that SADAG offers to callers who have received treatment, is to join a free Support Group. This is a way to help our callers to connect with others who have had similar experiences or challenges, to share helpful resources and self-help tips. It allows them to network and feels more connected to others who truly understand what it is like to live with a mental health issue.

SADAG is urging people living in Soweto to think about starting a Support Group in their community. There is such a need for more support for people living with mental health issues throughout our country, but especially in Soweto where currently there is no Support Group for depression or anxiety.

“Joining a Support Group has helped me connect and share with others. It feels amazing to have a group of people who understand how I’m feeling,” says Busisiwe.

SADAG has over 200 Support Groups around the country that deal with depression, anxiety, trauma, chronic illness and bipolar, as well as Support Groups specifically for family members and loved ones to attend so they too can share and connect with others to learn how to cope with living with someone who has a mental illness.

“Depression or Anxiety doesn’t only affect the person, it affects the whole family. So family members and loved ones can also join, or even start a Support Group to learn more about mental health, and find ways to support their loved ones,” says Krystle Kemp, SADAG Support Group Coordinator.

SADAG Support Groups can be run either by members who are living with a mental illness, or a family member who wants to offer support to other family members, sometimes they are run by a mental health professional in the community. These groups allow members the opportunity to form connections with others experiencing similar troubles and stress. It is a space where members can learn from one another in a non-judgmental, confidential space.

“I know there is hope after depression and one can live a successful life with any Mental Health issue such as depression, anxiety or bipolar. I would like to encourage others to seek help and provide a message of hope to others,” says Support Group Leader, Nono Maseko.

SADAG helps to train Support Group Leaders on running a group step-by-step. We help with training manuals, advertising the Support Group, finding venues, materials, guest speakers and posters.

SADAG is hosting a Support Group Leader Training Workshop on Saturday the 28th September in Soweto. If you are interested in starting a Mental Health Support Group in your area, please contact Senzi or Krystle on 0800 70 80 90 or SMS “Support Groups” to 31393 or email supportgroups@anxiety.org.za

There are so many people living with depression or anxiety that feel alone and misunderstood – Support Groups are incredibly important to help people with self-help tips, a safe space to share, and a group to connect with. Mental illness affects many South Africans, and so many people don’t know where to go for help or how to cope with depression or anxiety. Support Groups are a great resource reminding us that there is always hope and that you are not alone.

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