
Orlando East, Lerato Moloelang (12) published a book titled ‘Dreams Come through

LISTEN: Lerato explaining her journey to becoming a young writer.

Lerato Moloelang is a one of South Africa’s youngest writers. Residing in Soweto, this grade 7 twelve-year old has already published a book titled ‘Dreams Come through’ which is aimed at empowering and uplifting her peers.

“My passion for reading started when I was in grade 1 and when I was in grade 3 I could read novels for three to five days,”  said Moloelang.

Moloelang asserts that her favourite novels include ‘Dairy of a Wimpy kid’ and ‘Little Princess’— played a pivotal role in the honing of her craft and thereby drew inspiration from them as well.

Not only is she a write, she is also a poetess who writes and recites her own poems.

She says she wants to become a doctor when she grow up and her dream career is also complimented by a host of top achiever trophies and awarded certificates for Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Sesotho and English.

Her mother is so proud and supportive of her—as any parent would, but she encourages her to speak for herself and make great decisions at an early age.

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“I am extremely happy, because it shows that her future is very bright. She has been going to the Jozi Book Fair and she kept on seeing other young writers, she already had written her stories that time and she won a prize last year from a writing competition” said Tsepiso Moloelang, Lerato’s mother.

Leroto’s message to her peers is that “Other kids my age should stay away from the streets and start reading books, and they must not listen to discouraging friends who tell them they are incapable of achieving their goals, they must start pursuing their dreams.”

Lerato concluded that her peers must acknowledge their skills and talents at a young age so that they can have a direction when getting older.

Her books sells from R150 and is set to release another 2in1 book which will consist of three stories and three poems.

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