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Ntuli is passionate about financial well-being

Tlalane Ntuli has conquered the corporate world and is now setting herself up to be one of the black women innovators in the insurance sector.

Credit life insurance is not a term we often hear. Tlalane Ntuli, who is passionate about “securing the black consumer’s financial wellbeing, hopes to change this.

Ntuli (39) is the co-founder and chief operations officer (COO) of digital credit life insurer, Yalu. She is a pioneer for black women in the credit life insurance sector, however, she is not new to being an innovator in the insurance sector.

She is armed with a degree in Human Resource Management and a postgraduate diploma in Market Management. Ntuli successfully implemented a programme which allowed consumers to register their cover directly on an online platform.

“I actually met my partner at FNB Life, we started as friends but then we got to a point in our lives where we felt like we weren’t doing enough to make a difference in consumers’ lives. Then we started thinking about ways we could actually improve people’s lives and that’s how the idea was born,” said Ntuli when explaining how the idea for a credit life insurer came about.

Ntuli noted that the key to coming up with a business model that will work and fulfil you is to stay true to one’s values.

“Be true to who you are always regardless of what you do and where you are doing it. I didn’t fit the corporate image, where your concepts go through so many channels that when they are finally approved it’s not what you envisioned when you started. I value making a difference in the world, which was hard to do incorporate, and that’s the value I based my decision on when starting the company,” she expressed.

Credit life insurance is insurance cover a consumer is obligated to take out on a loan in the event of their death, terminal illness or accidental disability.

Her company hopes to help consumers by allowing them to reduce their monthly loan repayments and ultimately their whole loan repayment according to Ntuli.

She hopes to build a legacy independent of herself and hopes to see her latest venture live her out.

“The owners of the company are the workers and the people who take credit life insurance out, not me. I want to see this company grow and make a difference in people’s lives long after my existence on this earth,” Ntuli concluded.

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