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Ward 48 heed mayor Mashaba’s call

DA activists in Dobsonville embarked on an Aresebetse cleaning campaign.

In a bid to keep Dobsonville township clean, the Democratic Alliance (DA), Ward 48 residents and activists took part in their debut three days Aresebetse cleaning campaign, started Saturday – Monday.

Ward 48 DA members under the leadership of their PR councillor Pogiso Kgobokoe and their chairperson Noxolo Gwetywa, headed Johannesburg Mayor Herman Mashaba call that every end of the month, Jo’burg City and its township residents must roll up their sleeves and clean their area of residence.

“We were encouraged by the positive response of the community who braved the chilly weather and came in large number to took part in cleaning of the Caltex Soccer Grounds, hostel’s open spaces and dumping site situated alongside Johannes Moabi Street in Dobsonville.

“Pikitup supplied us with the cleaning equipment, staff, trucks, and a grater to collect the rubble,” said councillor Kgobokoe.

He extended his gratitude to the public, DA members, Community Police Forum (CPF) and activists who embraced the call made by the executive Mayor Mashaba of keeping our cities and townships clean.

He further appeals to the public to take ownership of the open spaces and football grounds by keeping them clean at all times.

“This is our ward, it belongs to each and every one of us, let us keep it out of reach of lawlessness.

“Let us collectively reprimand and report any unlawful dumping in this space. I humbly request that this campaign spread to the whole of Dobsonville and surrounding areas,” said councillor Kgobokoe.

Jabu Dlamini a resident in Dobsonville said, Caltex Soccer Grounds were dirty and rats often terrorised the community living opposite the soccer grounds.

“My son was once beaten by the rat coming out of from the dirt dumped next to the soccer field. We will vigilantly watch these open spaces and stop people from dumping next to the soccer grounds,” concluded Dlamini.

PR councillor Pagiso Kgobokoe and Jabu Mngoma taking part in a cleaning campaign.

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