
Another life taken in an instant on Eldos streets

"As a father, this is a tough thing to deal with."

For any parent, losing a child is a tragedy regardless of their age. Death is something everyone has to face eventually but that is supposed to happen naturally, not at the hands of another human being.

Edmund Rosenberg was brutally murdered on October 14 and one would think that it would end there, but just two days later his younger brother Virgil was shot.

Fortunately for Virgil, he only suffered a wound to the torso but the aftermath of his elder brother’s slaying turned Eldorado Park into a virtual war zone.

Virgil and three other people were shot at different locations by a group of unidentified people driving around Eldorado Park. Many felt that this was inhumane as the grieving family had barely laid Edmund to rest.

Vincent Rosenberg, the father of Edmund and Virgil, said, “It is unfortunate that we have these unnecessary shootings in our community.

“My eldest son Edmund was gunned down on October 14. My second son Virgil and three other people were shot at on October 16 in the space of two days. As a father, this is a tough thing to deal with.”

The senior Rosenberg added, “I plead with everybody who is involved in these senseless shootings to please stop.”

He said that he would have preferred it if people who wielded such influence in the community could use their influence for the greater good. He said, “Rather build the community up before breaking it down.”

He described the time that he and his family are going through as sorrowful and very sad. He said, “If this happened to your family, you too would feel the sorrow and sadness in my heart which may never leave.”

Vincent said that if everyone could take a moment and imagine what the lives of the people in the community would be like if there were no crime at all.

He said, “It would a beautiful place.” Wouldn’t you agree?

(l-r) Virgil, Vincent Sr., Ethel, Carriann, Houston.

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